Corporate Social Responsibility

Aponye Uganda Limited

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility aspect has increased considerably. The competent management team and different department heads at Aponye Limited in conjunction with regulatory bodies have stepped forward to promote sustainability programs.

  • Support to local farmers: The Company supports local farmers in the district of Mubende, Kyegegwa, Kyenjojo, Kakumoro, Kagadi and Kamwenge districts. This support comes in form of high yielding seeds, and setting up demonstration gardens from where we train farmers in good agronomic practices and financial literacy.
  • Support to staff training and employee benefits. The company implements capacity building and compensation and benefits for all employees to attract and retail quality talent.  For example, expectant mothers take 4 months leave after birth while fathers take 15 days after receiving a baby as opposed to 60 days and 4 days respectively as stipulated in the national labor laws.
  • Labor and human rights: The Company has an HR manual and other policies which ensure human rights protection, and policy guidelines on disciplining the culprits. These policies include sexual harassment policy, whistleblower’s policy, and Gender Equity and inclusion policy.
  • Staff health and safety: The Company introduced Workers compensation policy, a form of insurance to handle accident related issues. It has signed a memorandum of understanding with Rubaga Hospital to treat all accident related cases; Personal protective equipment are provided to all staff in production areas and stores for safety.
  • Use of recycled water in manufacturing plants:  95% of water used in production of polypropylene bags, oil refinery and soap making plant is recycled. This reduces on water consumption.
  • Waste management and recycling: The Company has a recycling plant to recycle waste material from production of polypropylene bags manufacture, used packing bags and plastics. Wastes from factories are disposed in accordance with national and industrial standards required.

It is Aponye (U) Ltd’s commitment, through collaboration with all stakeholders, to support and implement sustainability initiatives to promote social-economic transportation and environmental protection in all areas of operation.